Regional health
Data for NSW
- Acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) hospitalisations
- Adult visits to a dental professional
- Alcohol and other drug-related hospitalisations
- Alcohol drinking frequency in adults
- Alcohol drinking, long-term risk in adults (NHMRC 2009)
- Alcohol drinking, short-term risk in adults (NHMRC 2009)
- Alcohol induced and alcohol-related deaths
- Alcohol-related risk of harm: exceeds the Australian alcohol guideline for adults (NHMRC 2020, guideline 1)
- Alcohol-related risk of harm: meets the Australian alcohol guideline for adults (NHMRC 2020, guideline 1)
- Amputations due to diabetes
- Cardiovascular disease deaths by disease type
- Cardiovascular disease deaths, total
- Cardiovascular disease procedures by type
- Chronic kidney disease deaths
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease deaths
- Comprehensive antenatal care by gestational age
- Coronary heart disease hospitalisations
- Current smoking in adults
- Death rates - NSW residents
- Delighted, pleased and mostly satisfied with life
- Dementia hospitalisations (aged 65 years and over)
- Diabetes hospitalisations by type of diabetes
- Diabetes hospitalisations: principal diagnosis or comorbidity
- Diabetes-related deaths
- Drug-induced and drug-related deaths
- Duration of pregnancy at birth (gestational age)
- Perinatal birth outcomes
- Perinatal deaths
- Physical activity in children by activity level
- Place of birth
- Potentially avoidable deaths (aged under 75 years)
- Potentially preventable hospitalisations
- Potentially preventable hospitalisations: Conditions
- Preterm births
- Psychological distress levels in adults